Bespoke coaching sessions

Are you a new software developer looking to kickstart your career in the industry? Look no further! My coaching service is specifically designed to guide and support aspiring software developers like you in navigating the complexities of the software industry and achieving success.

With my personalised coaching approach, I focus on empowering you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in your software development journey. My goal is to help you become a well-rounded professional who not only possesses strong technical skills but also excels in areas such as personal branding and soft skills.

Here are some of the key topics I can help you with:

  • Technical Skills: As a professional developer, you obviously need to have a good range of technical skills. In the sessions we will cover topics such as coding best practices, problem-solving techniques, and staying up to date with the latest industry trends.
  • Personal Branding: The job market is highly competitive at the moment, so personal branding plays a significant role in distinguishing yourself from other developers. We will work closely together to develop a unique personal brand that showcases your strengths, experience, and achievements. This includes creating an outstanding CV, optimising your LinkedIn profile, and crafting a compelling online presence.
  • Mastering Interviews: Securing interviews is just the first step. Together, we'll look at proven strategies and techniques to ace your interviews, including interview preparation, effective communication, and showcasing your technical knowledge. My coaching will boost your confidence and equip you with the skills to impress potential employers during every stage of the interview process.
  • Soft Skills Development: While technical skills are crucial, soft skills are equally important in today's collaborative work environments. I help you develop essential soft skills such as teamwork, attention to detail, and effective communication. These skills will not only enhance your productivity but also make you an invaluable asset to any development team.

In short: you want a job in software development, and I can help you. Book your first session for free on my calendar below and we can get started.